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Trademark Status

Check the trademark status of any USPTO mark.

Trademark Status Checker Instructions

Check the status of any USPTO trademark application or registration using the form to the right.  This status checker provides status symbols that make it more helpful and easier to understand than the TSDR status check available at  Check your status regularly to stay up to date with your application.

Step 1: Locate your trademark serial or registration number.  You should have it in an email you received about your trademark from from

Step 2: Enter your number in the field without commas.

Step 3: Choose Serial Number or Registration Number under the Type field.

Step 4: Click check status to view the information about your trademark.

Step 5: Review results.  If your status shows anything other than three green checkmarks, consider discussing your trademark with a qualified trademark attorney.

Important Disclaimer: This form is intended to return data for trademark applications and registrations filed with the USPTO, no matter their owner or counsel.  By using this form, you agree that Palmer Law, PLC is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the data the form returns or how you interpret that data.  You use this data at your own risk.  

You also agree that Palmer Law, PLC is not your attorney for any matter unless and until you execute an engagement letter with us, in which case our engagement letter controls the terms of our representation.  

You further agree that this form constitutes Palmer Law, PLC’s intellectual property, and you will not copy, reproduce, or reverse engineer it, directly or indirectly through another’s assistance, without Palmer Law, PLC’s express written permission.

Trademark Status Checker

Trademark Services for U.S. Businesses

Trademark Status Checker

Our trademark status checker is not yet available for use on mobile devices.  Please use a desktop or laptop computer to check the status of your trademark application.

Trademark Services for U.S. Businesses